Digital Advertising Trends
Nexoya uses empirical data to provide actionable insights into the digital advertising market.
Check out this report to discover the trends for 2022!

This Digital Advertising Report includes:

Insights of all major digital marketing channels.
Main takeaways from Ad-spend and Cost-per-click report.
Deep-dive into Social media advertising and main takeaways.
Deep-dive into Search advertising and main takeaways.
Tips on how to optimize digital marketing based on data and experience.
This Digital Marketing Trend Report is designed for:
How can this Trend Report help you?
Based on the article from Smart Insights, 72,2% of marketing budgets are allocated towards digital channels. Mastering digital channels has become the key towards the overall success within marketing teams.
At Nexoya want to share our experience and expertise in the digital advertising field. We aim to enable marketers to manage their digital campaigns holistically and across all the marketing channels simultaneously.
This Digital Marketing Trend Report will help you better understand which marketing channels work when, how Bing compares to Google, and the common trends we can see over the year and weeks for different marketing channels.
Other Free Resources
Free Marketing KPI Handbook
With this free Marketing KPI handbook you can enhance, optimize and analyze marketing performance. Download it now!
Free Cross channel template
With this Cross-channel marketing template marketers can have a bettter understanding of their campaigning. Download it now!
Free CMO Toolkit
With this free CMOs Toolkit you can identify your competition, evaluate attributes and uncover objectives. Download it now!
Do not miss to check out the Modern Marketer’s resources gallery here.
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